
PARETO tutorials are currently under development and will be made publicly available as soon as possible.

Since PARETO project is an open source project and we are in collaboration with WaterTAP and IDAES projects, the IDAES tutorials and WaterTAP tutorials are good learning materials.

In particular, new users should be familiar with Python and Pyomo. Because PARETO and IDAES share this common base, we refer users unfamiliar with Python or Pyomo to the IDAES tutorials Short Introduction to Python and Pyomo or the Longer Introduction to Python and Pyomo.

PARETO will leverage WaterTAP models for desalination technologies, therefore, WaterTAP tutorials can be found here: https://watertap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/index.html

The IDAES documentation and tutorials can be found here: https://idaes-pse.readthedocs.io/en/stable/