If you make use of PARETO software in your work, please cite the following article:
Drouven, M. G., Caldéron, A. J., Zamarripa, M. A. et al. PARETO: An open-source produced water optimization framework. Optim Eng 24, 2229-2249 (2023).
You can also cite the latest release of PARETO software (currently 0.9.0) as follows:
Melody Shellman, Travis Arnold, Ludovico Bianchi, Elmira Shamlou, Naresh Susarla, Philip Tominac, Michael Pesce, Sarah Poon, Keith Beattie, Miguel Zamarripa, Dan Gunter, Markus Drouven, PARETO 0.9.0 Release, 11/2/2023,, DOI: 10.18141/2308838
Citation information for previous versions of PARETO software may be found on EDX.